Gonzalo Alexis Luengo Orellana (Chillán, Chile) is a teacher of English in Chile and graduated from the University of Bío-Bío. He is the author of a blog since 2009, http://genesdefamilia.blogspot.com, where he is dedicated to help anyone understand how to make their family tree in Chile. He is an expert in Chile's genealogy resources, especially the Civil Register Office, including seeking vital records.
Gonzalo published a book, "La familia Hojas de Burgos" ("The Hojas family from Burgos"), which reflects his interest in the study of migrant families of the nineteenth century in Latin America and has given talks throughout Chile. Clients have led him to investigate in person in Chile, Peru and Spain, plus many other places of the world using technology. Throughout his years of experience, he has had episodes that national media and prominent media specialists have published, such as the reunion with family members through DNA tests or remarkable genealogy researches on Chilean artists and media personalities.
As a teacher, he works at the Evarista Ogalde Ortega primary school in Tres Esquinas, Bulnes, Chile. He is also a volunteer at the Estaca Chillán Family History Center, has a diploma in Genealogy, Nobility and Heraldry from the Spanish Institute of Nobility Studies and is part of the genealogists staff at Orígenes project. Gonzalo gave talks at RootsTech 2021 and the American Summit of Genealogy in 2015. He is a member of APGEN (the Association of Professional Genealogists), the Chilean Institute of Genealogical Research, the Institute of Genealogical and Historical Research of Ñuble, and of the Chilean chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation.